Douglas Johnson

Death on Palms Row

7th May 2020

It is disappointing that the Star article on the areas with the highest Coronavirus death rate in the city referred to the “large Roma population, some of whom have been seen flouting the strict lockdown rules”

Paul Turpin

Care Homes Are The Poor Relation

3rd May 2020

The tragic report of the deaths of eighteen elderly residents from a single care home provider in Sheffield, is one of the worst aspects of the coronavirus epidemic.

Douglas Johnson

Lock-down should not mean watering down democracy

30th April 2020

Green councillor Douglas Johnson commented after Labour and LibDem councillors voted for more decision-making to be made by officers, not elected councillors, under emergency arrangements.

Urban House

Asylum seekers at risk from Covid-19

27th April 2020

SYMAAG investigations show that up to 180 of your constituents at the Urban House Initial Asylum Accommodation are being placed at unnecessary risk of contracting Covid-19

Sheffield Townhall

Sheffield Council must pay grants out to small businesses urgently

21st April 2020

New figures show that Sheffield lags behind other Yorkshire authorities when it comes to paying out grant funding to businesses in the lockdown.

Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.

We’re all in this together in the big Sheffield village and in the global village too

17th April 2020

The focus of this crisis is keeping everyone safe by staying indoors as much as possible. The knock on effect is quiet or deserted streets where some people do not feel safe.

S6 Foodbank

Support your local food bank

26th March 2020

Food banks across Sheffield are already struggling to deliver the services needed while keeping volunteers and recipients safe

Fighting the virus together

Fighting the virus together

22nd March 2020

Information about helping locally and the Green Party’s ‘Fighting the Virus Together’ proposals

Cllrs Paul Turpin and Douglas Johnson

Sheffield Greens call for the government to guarantee investment in South Yorkshire after Brexit

12th March 2020

Green Councillors have raised questions about replacing lost EU funding after Brexit

Sheffield Green Party Councillors

Sheffield Green Party Table Amendments to Council Budget

3rd March 2020

Sheffield’s Green Party councillors have tabled a series of amendments to the administration’s annual budget.

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site