City ward
Sheffield Green Party comments on Gambling licences
16th October 2018
Sheffield Green Party has submitted comments on how betting shops and gambling venues should be licensed
Greens celebrate Plan B for City Centre
15th October 2018
Sheffield Greens are celebrating victory in a 10-year-long battle to get a rethink on the Council’s plans for the city centre
Labour councillors are moving money away from deprived areas
11th October 2018
Cllr Douglas Johnson writes in response to I am writing to respone to the letter from Councillor Jim Steinke “Fairest Way to spend cash”
Green action – October 3rd Council
2nd October 2018
Green councillors are raising issues including the successful campaign to keep the Walk-in Centre and Minor Injuries Unit open, tackling modern slavery and abuse, and a people’s vote on Brexit
What your councillors have been doing in City Ward
18th September 2018
The City Ward councillors gave this report to the Sheffield City Centre Residents Action Group (SCCRAG) on 11th September 2018.…
Greens Welcome Walk-In Centre U-turn
14th September 2018
Green councillors welcome news that planned closures of these vital public services have been dropped
A Great Neighbourhood
14th September 2018
Today, 14th September 2018, is an exciting day for Kelham Island as the neighbourhood in City Ward hosts a judges’…
Residents should be fairly compensated for impact of city development, say Greens
13th September 2018
Sheffield Greens have called a Council consultation a “stitch-up,” saying the questionnaire is designed to give the answer the Labour Administration wants to hear.
Report from September’s council meeting
7th September 2018
Here is what happened at September’s full council meeting, the one day in the month when all Sheffield’s elected councillors get together.
Green actions at the September 5th Council
4th September 2018
Green councillors are raising lots of issues at this month’s council meeting, including Doncaster Airport, a sham consultation, workers’ rights, recycling and more