Cllr Christine Gilligan Kubo

Cllr Christine Gilligan Kubo speaks as Doncaster Sheffield Airport prepares to close.

4th November 2022

Councillor Christine Gilligan Kubo appeared on Channel 4 News to speak about the impending closure Doncaster Sheffield Airport by operator…

Green motion on Renewable Energy passed by Sheffield City Council.

3rd November 2022

A Green Party motion (1) calling for more action by Sheffield City Council to promote renewable energy has been passed…

Cllr Ruth Mersereau

Coal won’t solve fuel crisis

31st October 2022

This letter was published in the Sheffield Telegraph on 27th October. The gas and energy crisis has led to calls…

Green councillors speaking

“Hand wringing is not enough, as buses face loss of 30% of services,” say Greens

26th July 2022

Greens expressed bitter disappointment in Labour and Lib Dem Councillors at the Sheffield City Council meeting on Wednesday 20th July,…

Sheffield City Council meeting – 20th July 2022 – Green Party Feedback

25th July 2022

This feedback on the Council, which lasted nearly 4 hours, are the edited highlights. If you want to watch the…

A year of achievement for our Green Councillors

29th April 2022

After success in the elections last May, our 13 Green councillors put Sheffield City Council on a pathway to Net…


Comments on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

19th April 2022

The Council’s Executive Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport, Cllr Douglas Johnson, responds to a constituent’s enquiry about the…

Turning down the gas for Ukraine

11th March 2022

This is a letter by Logan Robin, Walkley Ward candidate for Sheffield Green Party The connections between many Sheffielders and…

Placard saying 'no more blah blah blah'

Greens push for action as COP-26 fails to deliver

15th November 2021

For actions reflecting on COP-26 and seeking a way forward, see forthcoming Events or otherwise get involved! The COP-26 conference…

Sheffield – Europe’s greenest city?

9th November 2021

Martin Phipps writes on the recent report about Sheffield being the UK’s most sustainable city It’s good news that Sheffield…

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site