A Green View for years to come

18th January 2021

Sheffield Green Party sets out vision for Sheffield Local Plan Ahead of a council scrutiny meeting to discuss progress with…

The Sheffield Green View 2020

18th January 2021

Local Plan Issues and Options consultation response from Sheffield Green Party October 2020 Table of Contents Introduction Spatial strategy How…

Back the CEE Bill. Ask your MP to support.

Sheffield Young Greens call for MPs to back the #CEEbill

19th September 2020

The devastating impact of coronavirus is rightly dominating the headlines, but other stories of magnitude are cutting through.

Sheffield Green Party Councillors

Green Party proposals to February’s Council

4th February 2020

Green Party councillors have submitted a raft of proposals to the full meeting of Sheffield City Council in February

Christine Gilligan Kubo

Sheffield needs to see climate emergency action now

4th January 2020

Under irresistible pressure from the Green Party and Extinction Rebellion, the Labour-run council declared a climate emergency on February 6th 2019.

We Need a Green New Deal to Tackle the Climate Emergency

19th November 2019

Videos from the meeting hosted by Sheffield Young Greens, 16th November 2019

Douglas Johnson

Greens call for Climate Emergency Committee

18th October 2019

Ahead of the Scrutiny committee discussing changes to council governance, Green Councillors are calling for the climate emergency to be placed at the heart of decision-making

Douglas Johnson

Need to address green issues

21st July 2019

Green issues set the agenda for July’s meeting of the full Council, with debates on both the climate crisis and democracy.

Star letter - Man-made climate change is a myth

Petition: Sheffield Star must tell the truth about climate catastrophe

7th June 2019

Sheffield Green Party member Graham Wroe is asking people to support his petition: “The Sheffield Star must stop misinforming the…

Alison Teal

Climate Change is an issue of such importance that there is no room for party politics

27th February 2019

We are experiencing the hottest February on record and the effects of climate change are being witnessed locally and globally.

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site