“We don’t need another car park” say Greens

6th December 2021

Green Councillors on Sheffield’s Planning Committee have opposed a new multi storey car park as part of the West Bar…

City centre offices converted into pokey flats

16th November 2021

Green Councillor Ruth Mersereau has condemned the proposals to convert the former offices at Rockingham House into 162 apartments as…

Placard saying 'no more blah blah blah'

Greens push for action as COP-26 fails to deliver

15th November 2021

For actions reflecting on COP-26 and seeking a way forward, see forthcoming Events or otherwise get involved! The COP-26 conference…

Sheffield – Europe’s greenest city?

9th November 2021

Martin Phipps writes on the recent report about Sheffield being the UK’s most sustainable city It’s good news that Sheffield…

Green Councillor calls on Amey to “Come to your sensors!”

8th November 2021

Green Councillor Angela Argenzio who represents the Broomhill and Sharrow Vale Ward has called on Amey to empty the litter…

Unions are right to take action against low pay

7th November 2021

Jason Leman writes on the importance of unions for creating a fairer and more equal place The pandemic and Brexit…

Solar panels in Sheffield

Just how sustainable is Sheffield?

3rd November 2021

Sheffield has been named as the UK’s most sustainable City as reported in the national press. Douglas Johnson, leader of…

Let's Get This City Moving

Bus services are a political choice

14th October 2021

A really good article today in SheffieldStar on buses. Everyone agrees that buses should be “better”, but there is a…

Explainer:What is COP26 and how does it work?

25th September 2021

Watch a 1 hour recording of this public meeting. Michael Jacobs was a special adviser to Prime Minister Gordon Brown,…


Hillsborough Development a missed opportunity

13th September 2021

The following letter has been submitted for publication by Eamonn Ward, Hillsborough Green Party. The Upper Don Trail active travel…

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site