Caroline Lucas

Green party leader Caroline Lucas MP visit to Sheffield

8th February 2018

The Sheffield Green Party election campaign for May 3rd will be launched in Sheffield on Friday February 9th by party Co-Leader Caroline Lucas.

Cllrs Douglas Johnson and Alison Teal

Greens Call for Young Care Leavers to be Given a Better Start

30th January 2018

Sheffield Greens have called for young people leaving care to be given a council tax break until they are aged 25.

Kaltum Rivers campaigning to save the Minor Injuries Unit

CCG plans for better access to GPs are flawed

29th January 2018

Sheffield Green Party welcomes the aim of better access to GPs but says the CCG’s proposals on “urgent care” are not credible.

Douglas Johnson

Greens call financing decision in for scrutiny

22nd January 2018

The Council will spend about £79 million next year on the Streets Ahead contract, about double the £39 million spent on highway maintenance in 2011-12, the year before the Highways PFI contract was signed.


Dental health is strongly linked with inequality

19th January 2018

More children are having rotten teeth taken out. The number of multiple tooth extractions from children’s mouths has been increasing over the last five years.

Green MEP Magid Magid

Hospital shuttle bus services are being quietly reduced

18th January 2018

Services on the very useful H1 hospital shuttle bus between the Hallamshire and Northern General hospitals are quietly being reduced from January 29th.

Douglas Johnson

It is time to end the unfair treatment of Council tenants

16th January 2018

January is the time of year when many of us have to face up to debt problems – not having enough coming in to meet the outgoings.

Cllr Rob Murphy

Sheffield Greens warn Council decision will make Highways PFI our generation’s World Student Games

15th January 2018

Sheffield’s Green Party has warned that a recent council decision means the city will be paying off the Highways PFI for generations to come.

Kaltum Rivers

Broomhill needs a plan for traffic and parking

15th January 2018

We know there is huge support for a publicly funded, free at the point of use, NHS. The suggested free…

Greens welcome Ofo bikes to Sheffield

9th January 2018

Sheffield Green Party councillors and members gathered today at The Holt to welcome the Ofo dockless bike-sharing scheme to Sheffield

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site