
Clean Air Zone consultation is missed opportunity

26th August 2019

This is a missed opportunity to engage the public on the reality of air pollution and the actions needed

Paul Turpin

Councillor Paul Turpin’s first three months

26th August 2019

It’s been three months since I was elected by an overwhelming majority to represent the people in my home ward,…


Sheffield Green Party response to the Clean Air Zone consultation

26th August 2019

Read the full response from Sheffield Green Party to the Clean Air Zone consultation

Green Party leader Sian Berry with Brian Holmshaw

Greens comment on Old Town Hall plans

23rd August 2019

The heritage aspects of the plan need to be scrutinised closely but the prospects look good

Cllrs Ruth Mersereau and Douglas Johnson

Greens call for improvement plan and openness with million-pound bail-out for leisure facilities

6th August 2019

Green Councillors are calling for an improvement plan in the wake of news the Council has bailed out Sheffield City Trust with £1 million.

Douglas Johnson

Water savings

30th July 2019

Water is heavy stuff. Pumping it around the country uses lots of energy, which all adds to the UK’s consumption of gas and electricity.

Douglas Johnson

Need to address green issues

21st July 2019

Green issues set the agenda for July’s meeting of the full Council, with debates on both the climate crisis and democracy.

Person spraying herbicides

Sheffield City Council, stop using Glyphosate

16th July 2019

Sign the petition to stop the use of glyphosate-based herbicides in Sheffield’s publicly owned spaces

Save our trees

Total re-think needed on Sheffield trees conflict

15th July 2019

A recent report demonstrates again how wrong Sheffield City Council (SCC) was to hire a private contractor to fell more…


Greens support campaign to oppose new Lidl at Malin Bridge

4th July 2019

Local residents objecting to a new Lidl proposed at Malin Bridge won’t be reassured by claims that it will not have a significant impact on the local road network

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site