Vote Green Party

Greens standing in all 28 wards

4th April 2019

Sheffield Greens are standing candidates in all 28 wards for the Sheffield council elections on May 2nd

Cllrs Douglas Johnson and Alison Teal

Councillors must be able to represent electorate

29th March 2019

Green councillors submitted a motion to April’s Council – asking it to allow councillors to bring their motions to council.

Cllr Kaltum Rivers at Upper Hanover Playground

Hanover Way improvements – statement from Cllr Kaltum Rivers

28th March 2019

I am pleased to see some cleaning up of the overgrown area near Hanover Playground, to root out drug users who spoil the area.

Angela and Kaltum - Hanover Tower

Greens call for openness on fire safety

28th March 2019

Green councillors are calling for greater openness on fire safety to make homes safer – and for the government to fund replacement cladding.

Cllr Douglas Johnson's speech on the budget amendment

Cllr Douglas Johnson’s speech on the budget amendment

19th March 2019

Cllr Douglas Johnson’s speech on the budget amendment

Sheffield Greens submit people’s budget

5th March 2019

Sheffield Green Party councillors’ budget proposals offer to empower communities, tackle climate change and create new jobs.

Cllr Martin Phipps and Cllr Douglas Johnson at the Walk-in Centre

Greens comment on the report into allegations of bullying and dysfunction at Sheffield CCG

28th February 2019

Sheffield Green Party comments on the report into allegations of bullying and dysfunction in the senior management of Sheffield CCG

Alison Teal

Climate Change is an issue of such importance that there is no room for party politics

27th February 2019

We are experiencing the hottest February on record and the effects of climate change are being witnessed locally and globally.

Paul Turpin

The People’s Petition seeks to improve democracy in Sheffield

26th February 2019

The People’s Petition seeks to improve processes within Sheffield Council by restoring the committee system of governance.

Angela Argenzio

Women’s sports deserve more coverage and support

24th February 2019

I need to highlight the total lack of women’s sports teams and individuals in the 20 page Green Un on February 18th – not even in the football results.

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site