Tony Abdy (Letters June 18) outlines Sheffield’s seven hills as a big drawback for cycling in the city. In the Netherlands sales of increasingly affordable electric bikes have now overtaken pedal cycles and this issue will gradually disappear in Sheffield.

However there remains an overwhelming cycling issue. Cycle Sheffield’s Dexter Johnstone says “cycling in Sheffield does not feel safe or convenient or an attractive option. This will remain the case until Sheffield Council invests in safe, protected cycle infrastructure.” (Star June 21). Another new Cabinet member, Cllr Bob Johnson, is talking about working with Cycle Sheffield to improve our cycle network. But will Cllr Johnson actually deliver where his predecessors have failed?

Much of the £400,000 IKEA were due to pay for sustainable travel improvements in the Lower Don Valley was lost due to inadequate, unenforceable wording in planning conditions. Addressing council failings in delivering cycle infrastructure linked to planning applications has to be an urgent council priority.

The Greens will continue to campaign for better public transport and safer cycling and walking options so people can choose to leave their cars at home, reducing congestion for all road users while improving air quality and increasing road safety.

Brian Holmshaw
Sheffield Green Party

Letter to the Sheffield Star/


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