Green Councillors are calling for an improvement plan in the wake of news the Council has bailed out Sheffield City Trust with £1 million.
The million-pound loan was taken under emergency procedures, as the Trust needed it before the end of July.
The Trust, which runs Sheffield International Venues (English Institute of Sport, Ice Sheffield, the Arena, Ponds Forge, Sheffield City Hall and other leisure facilities), asked for the cash before the end of July.
The Council then had to make the payment under emergency procedures. However, the Council has decided not to disclose the reasons for this use of public money.
Cllr Ruth Mersereau, councillor for City Ward, said,
“Sheffield has some excellent facilities, such as the only double ice rink outside London, which hosts international standard competitions. However, its potential appears to be lost through SIV being very badly run, with inadequate staffing in its catering functions, poor impressions of cleanliness, and little publicity for events that Sheffield ought to be proud of.
“We have a world-class facility on our doorstep that is not being used to the best of its potential.”
Councillor Douglas Johnson, leader of the Green group of councillors, added,
“An urgent request for a £1 million, which will have to be diverted away from other council spending, should be open to public scrutiny.
“It is important that these facilities are run better. We are calling for a clear plan to improve the management of these facilities for the public. I have therefore written to the Deputy Leader with these requests.”
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