Sheffield Green Party are giving Sheffield residents the opportunity to vote on Devolution. They have set up a poll with the same question being asked of Doncaster and Barnsley residents about whether to follow the Sheffield City Region or a wider Yorkshire model.
Speaker for the Greens on Sheffield Council Rob Murphy said “In October I called for our council to stop following the Government’s agenda on devolution and listen instead to the people of Sheffield. Barnsley and Doncaster Council’s are asking their residents and now the Green Party are giving the people of Sheffield their chance too.”
Sheffielders can vote online by going to or writing to the Green Party office at Sheffield Town Hall with the answer to this simple question:
I would prefer Sheffield City Council to pursue a devolution proposal with:
a) Wider Yorkshire
b) Sheffield City Region
Update – poll results
The devolution poll carried out by Sheffield Green Party has shown significant support for a wider Yorkshire deal. The poll showed support for the deal at 60.7% , a lead of over 20% above the alternative Sheffield City Region deal.
Green Spokesperson Cllr Rob Murphy commented: ‘It appears the people of South Yorkshire are not as divided as the Labour Party on devolution, with clear support for looking towards a strong Yorkshire voice on the national stage. It’s time the council leadership in Sheffield & Rotherham and the government started listening to the views of local people rather than each other.’
The Sheffield Green Party welcomes all comments but we will not be held responsible for any user comments. We do reserve the right not to publish comments that may cause offence.