Greens join Fran Kime (Star letters 21 January) in not agreeing with Labour Cllr Peter Price’s assertion that “all the loopholes and avenues where they might have been able to save money have gone.” While vital services were being cut, the Labour cabinet chose to spend more than £413,000 of taxpayers money on legal proceeding against peaceful street tree campaigners.

Green Party budget proposals for 2019/20 will yet again include the cutting of 3 “Group Policy Officers” that cost us taxpayers £112,000 a year. These officers are paid by the Council but do political research and press work for the Labour and Lib Dem groups. Labour have voted down our proposals year after year, refusing to bite the hand that feeds their political spin.

We agree with Fran that Group Policy Officers must go when next year’s budget vote is held at the March 6th council meeting. We‘re supporting Fran’s petition and hope you will too.

Sign the petition here.

Peter Garbutt
Sheffield Green Party candidate Nether Edge & Sharrow council ward



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