Sheffield Green Party comments on the report into allegations of bullying and dysfunction in the senior management of Sheffield CCG
Cllr Martin Phipps, a member of Sheffield City Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee, commented,
“It’s disturbing and unacceptable to hear of a culture of bullying and abuse in any organisation, let alone one responsible for delivering £800m a year worth of public services.
This is not just a squabble amongst senior NHS managers. This dysfunctional organisation has been responsible for the fiasco over plans to close the Walk-In Centre on Broad Lane and the Minor Injuries Unit at the Hallamshire Hospital. Many well-paid officials have been working on this for several years and still botched last year’s consultation by giving the public 3 options, which all involved closing these services.
As a Green councillor, I am continuing to oppose these closures of popular and well-used services.
Green Party candidate, Ruth Mersereau, added,
“The Walk-In Centre is a valuable and popular resource for so many people, especially because it is so accessible to people who live or work in the city centre.”
The report was revealed in the Health Service Journal: https://www.hsj.co.uk/quality-and-performance/revealed-crisis-at-top-ccg-amid-claims-of-bullying-and-toxic-culture/7024480.article
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