Christine Gilligan Kubo has been selected as the Green candidate in Brightside & Hillsborough.
I have been the Green candidate in this constituency in the last 3 elections in 2015, 2016 and 2017. I lived in the constituency for 24 years, until last year when I moved 1 mile outside the constituency.
I continue to actively campaign for the Green Party in the Hillsborough council ward and I continue to use the local facilities regularly.
I cycle to work and often encounter traffic congestion around the park and at Hillsborough Corner. If elected, I will work for a better transport infrastructure that prioritises public transport and safer cycling and walking options so people can leave their cars at home. This would ease congestion for all road users while reducing dangerous air pollution and increasing road safety.
As a lecturer in Responsible and Ethical Business practice at a university, I believe in an economy that works for all while protecting our natural environment for our grandchildren. The Green Party is part of a trusted global movement that has been supporting innovative solutions to the climate crisis for many years.
I am also a non-executive director of Sheffield Renewables, and support the rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, creating new green jobs that make the most of the manufacturing skills in this constituency and in South Yorkshire. It is vitally important that whatever the outcome of Brexit, workers’ rights and environmental protections are protected.

Schools, colleges, hospitals, railways and buses should be properly funded and run for public good not private profit. Greens have always opposed the privatisation of our NHS, schools and council services. We want to see a publicly-funded NHS that promotes health and well-being for all, regardless of the postcode.
Greens are saying yes to Europe and no to climate chaos. We think a People’s Vote is the only way to solve this complex problem that is dividing our country. We want to stop Brexit, get on with tackling the climate crisis and rebuild a fairer Britain.
Greens will tackle the underlying causes of Brexit: the inequality, the rising costs of living, the zero hours contracts and food banks. We’ll transform the UK with a citizen’s income, green jobs, affordable education, and a reformed voting system so your voice will always be heard.
The Sheffield Green Party welcomes all comments but we will not be held responsible for any user comments. We do reserve the right not to publish comments that may cause offence.
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