Over the recent bank holiday weekend, an 8 ft fence was erected around the community garden on Cobden View Rd in Crookes. The land was recently sold and the new owner says they want no trespassers as they are preparing a planning application to develop the site. The land was previously in private ownership, however the previous landowner did not make use of the land. For years, local residents and volunteers have been tending to the garden, maintaining the grass and creating a beautiful floral display. The week before last, a council ornithologist confirmed that birds are actively nesting on the site, and an investigation is currently being carried out by the ecology team at Sheffield City Council. Despite this, contractors have since removed a lot of the garden and felled two trees, which is a criminal offence while birds are nesting (The Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981).
The land has been enjoyed continuously by the public for over 60 years, including a footpath which has been in daily use for decades. Right of Way status is urgently needed to protect the path but it is necessary to demonstrate continuous public use. Anyone who has used the space for all or part of the last 20 years can help by submitting a user evidence form found under “Claimed Paths” at www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/roads-pavements/prow
We call upon the site’s new owner to a) consult the community garden’s users about the future of the space and b) consult the Council’s environmental team about appropriate next steps for the site.
The Green Party support local residents who have voiced their distress about the destruction of the garden. Please sign and share the petition at http://democracy.sheffield.gov.uk/mgEPetitionListDisplay.aspx if you want to Save Cobden View Community Space.
Christina Fashanu
Crookes & Crosspool Green Party
The Sheffield Green Party welcomes all comments but we will not be held responsible for any user comments. We do reserve the right not to publish comments that may cause offence.
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