Greens on Sheffield City Council have proposed a new scheme to give a much needed boost to tram and bus services across the city
Cllr Ruth Mersereau, who represents the City Ward for the Green Party, said:
“It’s never been more important to take decisive action to tackle climate change – and transport is the sector that makes the biggest single contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.”
“I’m proposing a Workplace Parking Levy to offer a funded solution to get us on the road to bus franchising, so that we can crack on and deliver better buses (as well as better trams and better, safer active travel.”
Cllr Mersereau explained how the Workplace Parking Levy operated in Nottingham,
“Employers offering fewer than 10 parking spaces pay nothing at all. Employers offering more than 10 parking spaces pay a fee of £1.17 per day per parking space. There are exemptions for local emergency services, NHS frontline staff and blue badge holders”.
In Nottingham, the Workplace Parking Levy on employers has raised more than £9 million each year, with the revenue used to fund tram infrastructure, a smart card scheme, electric buses and cycling facilities.
“Nottingham has had great success with their scheme. Leicester is looking to follow suit. Legislation in Scotland could see similar schemes across the whole country. So let’s start to transform our city into a quieter, safer, less polluted, less congested one”
Green Councillor Martin Phipps, who also represents the City Ward, said:
“How often do we hear requests for the tram to be extended? Thanks to the workplace parking levy attracting matched funding, Nottingham was able to double its tram network! Adopting a workplace parking levy is a real way to help achieve this in Sheffield.”