Alison Teal and Ian Rotherham are two leading figures in the tree campaign to have taken part in the hearings so far

The independent Sheffield street tree inquiry has gone through the first round of hearings, with the hearings available online. Prominent local Greens, including Green group leader Cllr Douglas Johnson and Sheffield Green Party central constituency candidate Alison Teal, have spoken at the hearings. Leading members of STAG, prominent activists, and officials who had a role in the disasterous policy have also had the opportunity to explain their perspective.

The statement by Douglas Johnson for the Sheffield Street Trees inquiry is available here:
Statement for Street Trees Inquiry – Douglas Johnson
The statement covers the history of the PFI project and charts the major concerns raised as the council became increasingly authoritarian over a privatised and undemocratic process.

The Green Party secured the street tree inquiry as part of the cooperative cabinet agreement in 2021. The Greens have also secured the public streaming of the inquiry. You can see also the hearings and read reports so far on the council website