A Green Councillor has secured more habitat for wildlife in a new housing development in the Woodhouse area.
At a meeting of Sheffield City Council’s Planning & Highways Committee Councillor Bernard Little proposed the inclusion of swift bricks and bat boxes to be included in a development of 19 three and four bedroom houses on land between railway tracks and Junction Road at Woodhouse.The land is a former railway sidings and scrapyard with adjacent woodland
The report at the Planning Committee confirmed the planning application would have a negative impact on nature on the site as well as the loss of 3 mature trees that provide habitat for wildlife.Cllr Bernard Little in response, called for the addition of swift bricks to each of the 19 properties and the condition that the developer will implement a woodland management plan providing suitable habitats for wildlife. The swift bricks provide nesting accommodation for birds and can be embedded into walls under the eaves. The Planning Committee accepted Cllr Little’s proposal.
Cllr Little said
“In 2021 Sheffield City Council declared a Nature Emergency and at the time I said that good design of the built environment can help anchor wildlife in urban spaces. Even small changes to planning applications can improve the lot of birdlife and other animals in our communities.
“Wildlife is under threat from the loss of habitat, food sources and the impact of climate change. We need to be taking every opportunity to consider nature in all the decisions we take. I am pleased that we have been able to improve this development to address the ecological impact of new housing developments.”