Gleadless Valley Councillors reacted to the decision to reset the Gleadless Valley Masterplan, made at the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee on Thursday 29th August. A report to the committee said that the regeneration project was “no longer deliverable within the allocated Council budget” and a new approach and delivery plan was agreed.
Cllr Alexi Dimond said:
“The Council has now admitted that the original Masterplan that was promised can’t be delivered and has committed to a new ‘whole council approach’. This will finally see senior officers taking responsibility for progressing the project – which is what councillors have demanded. The council now needs to demonstrate that it is committed to Gleadless Valley residents, as promises have been broken because the council announced a timeline with no means to deliver. We are pleased that the council has now committed to residents and local partners being included on the new board which is to be set up and must ensure that there isn’t a ‘top down’ approach.”
Cllr Paul Turpin said:
“I’m really angry about how the Masterplan has failed but I do hope this will unlock its potential. We will keep fighting for the residents and it is vital local councillors are included in the new system and that democratic accountability is at the heart of how we move forward.
It’s also vital that local people are involved at every step, alongside their local elected representatives. As ward councillors who care about the area, we are all committed to ensuring that the refreshed plan will retain at least the same level of social housing that people can afford and that no one will be asked to move before new housing is built. We will also demand that people’s priorities such as warm, efficient homes, clean and safe green spaces and communal areas, effective waste management and better local services and shops are prioritised.
Cllr Marieanne Elliot said:
“The Masterplan was approved in March 2022, but with no plan for delivery, or staff in place to deliver it. Residents were told that their homes would be demolished and they are, understandably, very upset as they have been left in limbo. This was irresponsible and should have been handled much better.
People feel that their homes have been neglected by the council during this time so we are pushing for repairs to be done and there is now a dedicated fast-track repairs team to deal with repair work. If any Gleadless Valley resident has an outstanding repair please contact us and we will try to help.”
- The Gleadless Valley Masterplan was announced in 2017 and eventually approved in 2022, under the former Cabinet regime.
- The estimated costs of all the work required has since doubled.
- A cross-party Gleadless Valley Members’ Board has included councillors from each party as well as all three ward councillors. It has discussed progress on many projects in Gleadless Valley, including play space, wildlife, shopping centres, engagement with schools, repairs and maintenance, jobs and skills, food projects and establishing sites for new homes in place of abandoned care homes.