Sheffield Green Councillors have called for action now to address the crisis in Adult Social Care, following the Government announcement of an Independent Commission.
Green Councillor Angela Argenzio, Chair of the Council’s Adult Health and Social Care Committee said,
“The crisis in the Adult Social Care sector has been well known for many years. The problems are understood, chronic underfunding, a lack of trained, well paid staff and large private sector care providers driven by the profit motive. Many quality smaller care providers find it difficult to make ends meet with spiralling energy bills, often poorly insulated accommodation and fees that barely cover these costs”
“We cannot wait 3 years to hear the Commission’s Report before we act. It will largely tell us what we already know, and then who knows how many years to see real action. We need proper investment in the care sector now.
“The Green Party is calling for £20 Billion of investment in Adult Social Care funded through a Wealth Tax. The Wealth Tax we propose is 1% on assets over £10 million and 2% on assets over £1 Billion. This modest tax on the very wealthy levers significant funding for public services. So far, the Labour Government has refused to consider a Wealth Tax.
“We need free personal care for elderly and disabled people and increased pay rates and a career structure for carers to rebuild the care workforce. Only in this way can we ensure we have a sustainable Adult Social Care sector that we all may need in the years to come.”