Dear Editor,
The Greens have taken a principled approach in support of the Palestinian people, dignity and human rights from the outset. We opposed the Israeli state’s destruction of Gaza, the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, and genocide. We opposed the flying of the Israeli flag above Sheffield Town Hall when Labour councillors insisted on it. We called for a show of solidarity by flying the Palestinian flag, when Labour opposed that. The Labour Leader has never supported the Palestinian flag. We called genocide for what it was – when Labour’s leaders, both locally and nationally, turned their backs on ordinary Palestinian people. They refused to acknowledge what we could all see on our TV screens, with Keir Starmer famously stating that Israel “does have that right” to cut off supplies of food, water and medicine.
Our anger at turning a blind eye to human rights abuses does not stop us from welcoming Labour’s belated support for the Green council motions, such as those calling for a ceasefire, ending the arms trade and calling for a peace process. We are pleased these were passed by the full council in November 2023.
We welcome the fact that other councils, including Bristol City Council, Manchester City Council, Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets (amongst others) have all successfully passed motions calling for their respective pension funds to divest from supporting the illegal occupation of Palestine, and from weapons manufacturers and fossil fuel companies.
We have become aware that Labour’s Cllr Fran Belbin has written on behalf of her Group to claim that our motion is “misleading and impractical.” We don’t think it is. In fact, all council motions are checked by senior officers of the council for such errors before being published. We take account of these rulings.
For instance, we removed the reference to Barclays Bank specifically, so that the motion calls for a change to the council’s ethical procurement policy in order to address any and all companies which finance states in breach of international court rulings, arms companies and fossil fuels.
We have written to Cllr Belbin to challenge what she says. We have asked her to back up the Labour Group’s comments with proof that the law stops councillors on the pensions authority from opposing investments in Israel, arms companies and fossil fuel companies.
South Yorkshire Pensions Authority is made up of 12 councillors from across South Yorkshire and is responsible for where investments of its members’ money are held. At present, this includes the Israeli government, weapons manufacturers and fossil fuel companies. We don’t think members of the pension scheme have consented to these investments.
The fact that the Labour group will put in an amendment to our motion on Wednesday means that they do not agree with our position. We are of course very happy to work with the Labour group if they offer a “friendly amendment” that doesn’t water down our motion.
This could help further the cause of peace and justice, the Palestinian people across South Yorkshire and the world, and reflect the views of South Yorkshire Pension scheme members.
Cllr Douglas Johnson