A Green Party Councillor has called for greater protection for urban green spaces following a decision by Sheffield City Council’s Finance Committee on Monday.
The Council proposed to dispose of land it owns at Daniel Hill Street in Walkley for a private development of 2 houses. The Council anticipated receiving around £100,000 from the sale. The land is within the Birkendale Conservation area and the proposed sale of the land received 6 written objections from local residents.
One objector, referred to in the report, said
“To go ahead with this disposal after the designation of the Conservation Area would be reckless, unwise, inconsistent and inappropriate with the Council’s previous actions and would form a significant error of judgement”
City Ward Green Party Cllr Martin Phipps, who is a member of the Council’s Finance Committee said,
“Walkley residents had highlighted the value the open space has for nature and as a green space for the community. I strongly agreed with the objectors view that green spaces are important for our health and wellbeing, and the mature trees on the site, which are of particular value to the local wildlife.
“Officers and other councillors suggested that concerns raised could be addressed in the planning process, but once the open space is disposed of it will be too late. Housing will be built there and the open space lost.
“As the Green group spokesperson for the committee I voted against the proposal as the site benefits residents and the city more as open space instead of accommodating two extra private houses.
“What is frustrating is that the Council had previously acknowledged the site as an ‘important open space’ in a conservation report. Clearly we need greater commitment by local politicians to protecting our valued urban green spaces ”
Labour and Liberal Democrat councillors voted for the disposal of the open space, and for the space to be developed as housing. Both Cllr Phipps and Cllr Terry Fox from the Sheffield Community Councillors voted against.