Speech delivered on Saturday, 7th September, on Devonshire Green in relation to the Stop Johnson’s No-Deal Coup!

Firstly, I took people a little by surprise by saying that my name is Greta. The reason was subtle. I did not mention climate change, but actually I would be rather discussing that than discussing this attempted coup. I stated that I was in the SGP, and that our party is the the one that will get the votes.

I went on to explain that Brexit has been hijacked by a bunch of opportunistic far-right gangsters. Their names being; Johnson, Cummings, Rees-Mogg, Farage, Trump as he inspires them all and the fanatical Nazi Tommy Robinson, currently in prison (since then released). I stated that they all should be in prison too.

I made it clear that we are the people, that I am the people, so don’t mess with us or me.

From my involvement with SUTR, and the many demo’s I went on, I know that you have to incite the crowd, so I said:

Whose streets? Response from the crowd – our streets, repeated

I said yes to remaining in the EU. Importantly I stated with reforms.

A core part of my speech went onto list things that are fundamental to the GP and myself. You see for me, being a trans-female, I suffer constantly from verbal abuse, just as someone identified in one or more of the categories listed below. My activism within SUTR gained me much respect. I now bring this to the GP.

I stated; no to sexism, no to racism, no to homophobia, no to transphobia, no to Islamophobia, an end to austerity, an end to benefits sanctions, welcome to asylum seekers and refugees and an end to forced deportations. I could have gone on, but perhaps for next time?

I stated that I wanted this message to be heard not just in Sheffield, but across the UK and around the world. I said that we say no to the far-right. Dump and Trump them all.

Again I incited the crowd, so I said:

No pasaran – they shall not pass

Response from the crowd – No pasaran

This was repeated.

I meant it totally when I stated that we will, I will never give up until we stop this coup. For me personally, were the coup to succeed, we would revert to the days where, for example people such as Oscar Wilde and Alan Turing were criminalised, and of course myself. So that is what drives me with such passion and force.

I finished off by mentioning that I take great inspiration from Greta Thunberg, who is my hero. Again, alluding to climate change, but not by name. On this theme, I stated that our country is on fire. It is. That we will put it out by non violent direct action. Think about how the citizens of Hong Kong, who also fear for their democratic rights.

I mentioned that if we are united, that we will be strong and sweep this tyranny away. These gangsters will try and divide us. I know that in that crowd that there were people with very different political views. Somehow, we have to work together, because if we do not, that coup could well succeed. Now that is a totally unacceptable and terrifying prospect.

I finished by asking people to come and join me in the Green Party now.

Again I incited the crowd, so I said:

Whose streets? Response from the crowd – our streets, repeated

I was congratulated by many, not just in the GP. In the future, I intend to deliver more speeches, in a similar vein. I am open to suggestions as to how I might improve upon these speeches

Juliette de Tosni-Tauvignon


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