Pinstone St is cleaner, safer and quieter since being closed to motor traffic. A major transformation of the public realm is now planned to create a greatly improved city centre. Reversing these changes would risk the whole plan of improvements at the top of Fargate and put at risk millions of pounds of ‘Connecting Sheffield’ funding. Keeping traffic off Pinstone Street is better for our business, for our planet, and for our lungs!
Disability access:
- The changes have improved access to some areas but made it more difficult for others
- We propose a route for the electric FreeBee Bus that would make access easy around the city centre (see diagram below)
- Reversing the cuts to the Shopmobility service should also be a priority.
- Sheffield centre was struggling before the pandemic – bringing back buses along Pinstone Street will make things worse, not better
- An improved Fargate with more space for entertainment and pedestrianised Pinstone street next to the Peace Gardens would make the centre a place to go for everyone – funding for those changes is at risk if traffic is brought back
- Where people go for a nice afternoon out, they shop as well!
Write to your Councillors at and tell them to keep Pinstone Street traffic free!

For more on the campaign and our thinking, see Noel’s letter to the Telegraph. More details on the FreeBee route and our reasons for this proposal can be seen here.