Sheffield Green Party is a campaigning party, get involved!
From banning glyphosate to declaring a nature emergency to promoting better transport around the city, Sheffield Green Party works to actively change our city and our world for the better. The achievements of Sheffield Green Party are often built on ordinary supporters and members developing campaigns in their community and across the city. Our councillors themselves are personally involved in many campaigns, ranging from justice for refugees, to protection of historic buildings, to climate change activism.
You can be a part of our campaigns as a supporter or member. By getting involved in your local ward, you can make a real impact in your area, following up issues for your neighbours and helping solve local problems. We also have our Campaigns Group, which is a place to shape the response of Sheffield Green Party to citywide issues, supporting our councillors to push change in Council, organising actions, and sharing campaigning news. For more information on the Campaigns Group, get in touch with our coordinator, Jason Leman.