Green Party Councillor for Gleadless Valley, Alexi Dimond, clears the pavement on Bishopscourt Road, one of the steepest roads in Sheffield with a primary school at the bottom.

Sheffield Green Party today called for a fresh approach from Amey and the Council to winter weather as Sheffielders have struggled in the ice and snow. Residents across the city have been working to clear away ice and snow but have been frustrated about the lack of grit bins and slow refilling. The Green Party is arguing that alongside providing residents with grit for footpaths, Amey should clear priority footpaths and cycle routes at the same time as roads.

Green Party Councillor for Ecclesall, Peter Gilbert, said:

“Our NHS is in the middle of a crisis. The last thing they need is loads of people turning up with broken bones and sprains from falling on the ice. That’s what people are facing across Sheffield. The pavements aren’t cleared and on busy roads people can’t safely walk in the cleared road. We need clearance of the pavements at the same time as the busy roads.”

Green Party Councillor for City, Ruth Mersereau, said:

“Our current maintenance schedule means that most of the city’s pavements are left with leaves, snow and ice uncleared. Slippery pavements make it risky to get about, particularly on hilly streets and for older people. And when pavements haven’t been gritted, people are forced to walk or wheel in the roads, at risk from motor vehicles”

Greens ask questions of the council and Amey

Green Councillors asked questions in Council in September and directly to Amey in October about handling snowy weather conditions. Amey stated in their response that, “we do not grit our cycleways or footways with the exception of areas around hospitals and within the city centre network”. However, many cycleways and pavements that should have been cleared within the Amey contract, including those around schools, have not been done days after the snow has fallen. Well-used pavements in shopping districts and around schools and retirement homes have become dangerous.

Sheffield Green Party argues pavements around schools and other priority footpaths should be cleared and gritted at the same time as priority roads are cleared. This has been done in Stockholm, Sweden, where clearing pavements alongside roads has significantly reduced injuries from falls.

Local residents who are part of the Living Streets campaign, which encourages walking, grit an icy footpath on Psalter Lane.

Councillor Ruth Mersereau said:

“The gritting of some footpaths has been welcome but it isn’t enough. People with difficulty walking, some older adults, and people who need a wheelchair to get around, are most at risk from falls on ice or from effectively being trapped at home until the ice thaws. In November, the Council voted to declare Sheffield a Pedestrian Friendly City. If it truly was, then the movement and safety of walkers and wheelers would take priority and we would have properly gritted pavements and cycleways. The Council urgently needs to work with Amey to change its policy on this.”

Councillor Peter Gilbert said:

“I’ve been out helping residents grit pavements that are dangerous and it’s been frustrating when we’ve not had enough grit to do the job. We need more help to get more of these pavements cleared. Amey should be told they have a duty to pedestrians and cyclists, as well as to motorists. That means more grit, more grit bins, and clearing the footpaths and cycleways that people rely on.”

Greens want the Amey contract enforced and renegotiated if needed

Sheffield Greens argue that the contract with Amey needs to be properly enforced, and if necessary renegotiated, by Sheffield City Council to include more clearing and gritting of footpaths around schools and on busy priority routes. This would help pedestrians get around safely. A reduction in slips and falls through better footpath clearance would reduce the number of slips and falls, which would be a saving to the NHS. Funding from the NHS for preventative measures could be usefully directed towards some of this work, or for other proven measures, such as supplying grippers to elderly people at risk of falls.

Green Party Councillor for Ecclesall, Peter Gilbert, grits footpaths alongside local residents on Ringinglow Road

You can read more about how Stockholm clears footpaths at the same time as priority roads on their Traffic.Stockholm site. On our site are more details on Sheffield Green Party’s motion to make Sheffield a pedestrian friendly city.

Maroof Raouf
Maroof Raouf

Campaigners have called on Sheffield Council to investigate “unacceptable delays” to resurfacing work on roads in part of Sheffield.

Residents living on roads in Nether Edge have complained of “potholes, cracks and loose tarmac” for years now as the Sheffield Council’s contractor Amey has failed to complete road re-tarmacking in timeframe agreed as part of the “Streets Ahead” programme.

Sheffield Green Party have highlighted that some roads such as Crescent Road and Albany Road – which were focuses during the tree protests – have only been partially resurfaced – where as others like Kenbourne Road and Kenwood Park Road haven’t even been started yet.

Ward councillor Peter Garbutt (Nether Edge & Sharrow) said,

“Residents living on these roads deserve better than this. Amey have promised time and time again that these roads will be completed but promised dates come and go whilst the road remain a mess.

“Amey and Sheffield Council have continued to make excuses for these unacceptable delays. This really does raise the question about what benefits there are outsourcing the work.

Community campaigner, Maroof Raouf, who is standing as the Green Party candidate for the Nether Edge and Sharrow Ward in the next local elections added to this:

“Earlier this month, Sheffield Council and Amey were congratulating themselves for the work they have done in 2020 but that is an insult to some of the residents who have been waiting years for resurfacing work to be completed.

“Amey have to stop blaming the issue on street trees. Across the country councils are able to repair other roads with street trees and we know that it is possible to do it.”

Tree campaigner Paul Brooke speaking after High Court success, outside Sheffield Town Hall
Paul Brooke speaking after High Court success

Green councillors are calling on the council to save public money and face up to the need to work on community relations in the tree-felling campaign.

The motion is in response to the Council’s intention to extend legal proceedings against tree campaigners for another three years, despite the claims of “compromise.”


Pointing out that the cost of managing protest should fall on Amey and not the Council, the Green councillors argue that the council should stop spending public funds on legal proceedings and instead should work towards a genuine compromise over the areas of dispute.

Douglas Johnson, Green Councillor for City Ward, said,

“This is a challenge for the new Cabinet Member to see if he is genuinely willing and able to compromise or if he is just going to continue his predecessors’ policy of confrontation.”

“It is time to stop wasting money on legal proceedings and free it up for use on social care or other areas of vital spending.”


For more information please contact Douglas Johnson on 07981 860 662 or at



  1. Sheffield City Council issued injunction proceedings in July 2017 against a number of campaigners, including one of its own members, Cllr Alison Teal. An injunction was granted to the council after 4 days of legal argument in the High Court. Since then, the council has applied to send eight people to prison.  Five people were given suspended sentences. The council withdrew one application and lost two cases: both Cllr Alison Teal and Paul Brooke were judged not to be in breach of the injunction, despite the council’s claims.
  2. The injunction expires on 25th July 2018.
  3. Clause 19 of the Streets Ahead contract states that Amey “shall bear, without recourse to the Authority, any Loss suffered by any person which is caused by any Protestor or Trespasser”
  4. The Green councillors’ motion is:

 Best use of public money

Proposed by Cllr Douglas Johnson; seconded by Cllr Robert Murphy

That this Council:

  1. Notes the recent rejection by the High Court of the Council’s application to commit further tree campaigners to prison;
  2. Notes that clause 19 of the Streets Ahead contract places the responsibility (and therefore cost) of managing trespass and protest firmly on Amey Hallam Highways Ltd;
  3. Notes that this council has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money in legal proceedings against campaigners and believes it is not a good use of public money in a time of austerity;
  4. Believes this council should not spend further public money on legal battles with campaigners and should instead spend the money on vital services like social care;
  5. Therefore, asks the Leader of the Council not to proceed with an application to extend the injunction against tree campaigners.