Dear Editor

G Shepherd makes some very good points about the sad state of the Labour Party. (Star letters 4th April)  I think they would be far more at home in the Green Party. 

We have been proud to support striking workers campaigning for a fair wage. 

We demand not only that the NHS is protected and safeguarded from privatisation, but that the Government funds it properly so we can once again be proud of our health service. 

We believe in freedom of speech and openness and certainly wouldn’t ban candidates from watching a film. I presume they were talking about “Oh Jeremy Corbyn:the big lie.”

Sheffield Greens have recently joined the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid and have no qualms about speaking out against the injustice the Palestinian people are facing.

G Shepherd does not mention the Lowcock Report on the tree dispute which showed how untrustworthy some of our Labour politicians are.   

G Shepherd would be most welcome to join us in the Green Party! 

Dylan Lewis-Creser

Green Party Candidate for Fulwood


G Shepherds letter is below. (it does not appear to be on the Star website)

Goodbye to Labour letter from G Shepherd

Find out about your election candidates here.

RuthMersereau-City TobyMallinson Hillsborough PeterGilbert-Ecclesall PaulTurpin-Gleadless Valley
AshRouth-Walkley AngelaArgenzio-Broomhill and Sharrow-Vale BevNennett-Nether Edge and Sharrow

Banner reading "Barclays funds crimes against humanity."On Saturday March 25th March some Green Party members joined with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Sheffield Extinction Rebellion to protest against Barclays continued support of both the Fossil Fuel industry and the Apartheid policies of the Israeli Government. Both Heather Hunt and Graham Wroe gave speeches. Sheffield Green Party recently committed itself to support the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid. This is a coalition of organisations and individuals united to promote a city-wide response to Israel’s apartheid regime as happened in the 1980s when the people of Sheffield proudly joined the struggle against South African Apartheid. Please add your name as an individual by following this link. Here is a short video of the action.

If you have time this much longer version includes many of the speeches.